
The recent raft of algorithm changes have blunted the impact of many businesses when it comes to online content strategies. We live in a rapidly evolving digital world, and many business owners have had their confidence dented by strategies that are no longer yielding the results they once did.

With the reach of organic content in social media dwindling, we have put together a list of five content and marketing strategies that will stand the test of time in a world of constant algorithm changes.

Nurture Community Connections and Collaborations

No matter what product or service you are selling, you want to be seen as a respected and influential authority in your field. Look to foster mutual partnerships with local community groups or figures relevant to your service. This lets the public know that you care about the long-term future of your business, your specific industry and the local community.

For example, a gym owner might team up with a local health food provider for open days, and to provide exclusive discounts to clients who make use of either service.

Strive for Meaningful Social Media Interactions

Many business owners interpret the Facebook algorithm changes as a way to penalise organisations who don’t use paid content. While there is an element of truth to this, Facebook themself stated that the changes were put in place to encourage meaningful reactions and genuine discussion on topics.

You can leverage this by encouraging comments in social posts you make. Think about the big picture issues that are threatening your industry, and offer a positive or meaningful take on the problems at hand.


Persevere with Email Marketing

Email marketing works. It has been an inexpensive and efficient mainstay of digital marketing for years, and you shouldn’t expect algorithm changes to effect this.

Email marketing does not have to be on a large scale to be effective. Small businesses can create their own mailing list and send relevant messages and value propositions to clients. Businesses with a larger budget should still structure promotional campaigns with email marketing in mind, especially in the lead-up to major holidays such as Easter and Christmas.

Promote Through Live Video

Live video broadcasts have been said to elicit six times more engagement than standard videos. For small and medium businesses looking to showcase their potential and culture, live video is an easy and inexpensive option that can produce serious results. Remember, the aim is to spark genuine discussion among clients and potential followers, so frame your broadcasts in a way that encourage curiosity.

Market to Mobile Users

It’s been talked about for years, and it’s finally here. The mobile-first index means that webpages are now indexed by Google based on the mobile version of a site. For many smaller businesses, mobile sites are a shadow of their desktop counterpart in terms of visuals and functionality.

Think about how your mobile site looks and performs – if your site is difficult to navigate or images and animations look substandard, you really need to look at an urgent update.

Manage Algorithm Changes with Studio Culture

We are a full-service digital agency committed to the long-term. Our team stays on top of digital trends as they happen and utilises innovative solutions that get results. To work with Studio Culture for web design, digital marketing, PPC campaigns and much more, give us a call today on 1300 200 113 or email hello@studio-culture.com.au.
