Gimme that sweet, sweet copywriting.
Krayon Kanye. Krayonye?
See that happy lad getting a snapchat with Kanye? That’s me, Jesse Dascanio. I’ve been an Intern Copywriter / Content Writer here at Studio Culture for the past 3 months. You may have read my work on the Studio Culture blog or in the content of Studio Culture’s clients. If I’ve blogged or written for you, thanks for trusting me to represent your business!
Growing from a humble writer to a still humble (but more experienced) writer, I’ve honed my skills and knowledge at Studio Culture in areas that I wouldn’t have even thought of when I started. Let me give you a quick and honest breakdown of my time here.
Consider my mind broadened
All I need in this life of sin is Google Drive.
As a writer, a lot more goes into making your work accommodating for the web than slapping some clever words onto a page and generating some tags. You need to incorporate SEO techniques, as well as consider space constraints, formatting, the client’s voice and the inclusion of suitable media.
While an internship is a great opportunity to perform some fun linguistic gymnastics, the amount of research and fact-checking that goes into writing good content is what’s staggering. I now know more about real estate and investment, transport and logistics, health and fitness, and social media and marketing than I ever would have thought. Ask me the stylistic differences between Afghan rugs and a Moroccan rugs; I could tell you! With the amount that you learn on a daily basis, you could make it all the way on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.
You look at a blog or a webpage for it’s purpose, and it’s place in an overarching commercial goal. Studio Culture’s principles about SEO, branding and marketing strategies will help me to push my work through the clutter of the web and out to the right audiences. I also love the collaborative wonder that is Google Drive; I’m so ashamed that I’d never used it before!
The ‘culture’ in Studio Culture
This box once contained gummy bears—the fuel source for everyone at Studio Culture.
Aside from writing content for fascinating clients, I’ve experienced the sort of environment that a young, modern business can (and should) operate in. There’s a humour in the office that you would only see in a business that actually wants to create a relaxed working vibe. If it’s true that you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, then you can also get more work done with sugar and music than without. Other agencies should take note—an endless supply of sweets and beats gets results.
Studio Culture encourages and engages you by trusting in your abilities, while also guiding you through the real world of digital content creation and marketing. Bloggers and writers out there don’t need to stay hidden in their dark rooms all day; there are businesses out there who value what you do if you can do it well. The guys here at Studio Culture trusted in my abilities, while giving me valuable coaching at the same time.
My time here planning, writing and editing blog posts, website copy and promotional material has taught me a lot about content creation and management, and I’d like to think that I’ve contributed some great work too.
For a TL;DR version of this blog, see the infographic below!