Last month, our own design and development director Fil Cristaldi presented at a WordPress Brisbane event to share his “Top 10 WooCommerce Plugins to Make Your Site A Dream For Clients and Customers.” Fil is an expert in website design and has designed a lot of fantastic e-Commerce websites with the help of Woocommerce. If you missed the presentation, keep reading for his top 10 plugins!
Overall pros of using WooCommerce:
- Core plugin is free
- Easy to use for you and your clients
- Small learning curve if you are already familiar with WordPress
- Highly customizable and expandable
- Excellent for SEO
- Supported by a great community
- It’s hosted on your servers
- So many plugins!
Designing/developing an e-Commerce website? Here are Fil’s Top 10 WooCommerce plugins:
- WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping and WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing: set pricing and delivery based on country, add rules for weight and items, bulk order discounts
- WooCommerce Newsletter Subscription: works with MailChimp and Campaign Monitor, adds “subscribe to newsletter” on checkout
- WooCommerce Print Invoice/Packing List: fast, easy way to print invoices and packing lists
- WooCommerce Product Enquiry Form: allows customers to enquire about a product, gets mailed directly to store owner
- WooCommerce Store Credit: allows customers to use coupons and store credits
- WooCommerce Pre-Orders and WooWaitlist: product pre-order and waitlist options, emails customers updates on product wait times
- WooCommerce Google Analytics Integration: adds tracking code to site, supports advertising and universal analytics
- WooCommerce Cart Reports: dashboard widget shows what customers added to shopping carts and allows emails to be sent reminding customers of their cart
- WooCommerce Xero: automatic invoices, discounts, shipping, etc to Xero
- WooCommerce POS: improves point of sale, connects in-store and online
About WordPress Brisbane:
The WordPress Brisbane meet up community is for any WordPress user, new or experienced or anywhere in between, to get together and chat about all things web design, plugins, and WordPress. The group will range from beginner to advanced topics, so you’ll always learn something new! Some previous topics have been: WooCommerce subscriptions, WordPress 3.7 and beyond, and all about Backup Buddy. If you need to learn about website design in Brisbane, this is definitely one of our favourite meetups to go to.
For more WooCommerce information visit their website and be sure to contact us at Studio Culture today to find out how WordPress and WooCommerce can enhance your website.