Do you need a few quick tips to improve your social media branding? From profiles to timing to engagement, here are Studio Culture’s top 4 things to keep in mind while building your business’ social media brand.


1. Use consistent but interesting profile information

Why should we follow you? Show us an interesting profile picture (this could be your logo or something that clearly relates to your business) with a relevant header image to match. Also make sure your bio information states exactly what your business is, what it does, and what it can offer to the consumer. If you post about a certain topic, throw that in as well! Twitter users in particular heavily pay attention to bio information so keep it strong. You can also link to your Twitter feed on your Facebook profile, your Instagram account on your Twitter page, etc, etc. Always make sure that your followers know exactly where to find you using consistency. Here are some examples of our Studio Culture social media profiles:

2. Post at the right time on each platform

Depending on your audience, you’ll probably need to post things to multiple platforms at different times throughout the day. Of course there are many tools out there to help you, but how are you going to know when to schedule the posts? It will vary from business to business, so always keep an eye on your activity and make diary entries for each day, focusing on what worked and what didn’t. In general, it has been found that Facebook engagement is 18% higher on Thursdays and Fridays, and is 32% higher on weekends. Over on Twitter, tweets posted on Fridays and weekends, as well as tweets posted during the evening commuting hours generate more click-throughs. Mondays, mornings, and more than one post a day are the ingredients to a successful blog post, while most emails are opened from 5pm-10pm.

3. Follow other accounts, network, and share content

It’s great to have a strong account set up, but you should think about networking within your industry online too. This will not only increase brand awareness, but it will help you to keep an eye on your competition which is never a bad thing! You can share content that’s relevant to your business, link to other blogs and social accounts, and get some great information you may not have seen before.


4. Encourage engagement everywhere

If you’re on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, WordPress – anything! – make sure you are always aiming to up engagement. Ask for a retweet, ask for comments, ask for a like or a share! Just make sure you keep it relevant to whatever platform you’re on. Don’t automatically schedule a Facebook post from Twitter asking for a retweet, it won’t work. Let your audience know you understand them and you understand social media so you always get that engagement factor.

Good luck! What are your top tips for successful branding on social media? And what platforms do you use? Contact us at Studio Culture for social media marketing help, website design, and more.