To recap, the top 3 resources that Joe mentions in the video are:
1. Jon Loomer Digital – For Advanced Facebook Marketers –
2. Jab, Jab, Right Hook – Gary Vaynerchuck
3. Neil Patel –
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Video Transcript [edited]
“Hey, guys. Joe Fox from Studio Culture here.
Today, I’m going to give you three resources – resources that our staff use for our clients on a regular basis. It doesn’t matter what industry it is. Whether it’s the food services industry, the fitness industry, real estate, medical, education or RTOs, all of it is going to be extremely relevant to you and your business, whether you’re small, large, or in between.
Resource #1
The first resource that I’m going to give you is a website. This guy is the absolute foremost expert in Facebook targeted advertising. The reason we’re going to hammer on so much about Facebook advertising in these videos is because it is one of the most effective ways of getting conversions, getting leads and getting sales at a very, very minimal budget, because you can be so targeted with it.
The website is The reason I’m going to talk to you about Jon Loomer is because Jon Loomer is the absolute expert in this area. He has every single tip. Before change is even there, it feels like he has already written content for it. He’s very predictive, he’s a very futurist marketer, and we guarantee that he will be helpful to you. And his resources are predominantly free.
Resource #2
Second bit of advice: one way you can learn to track down a really good resource for social media marketing is ‘Jab, Jab, Right Hook’ by Gary Vaynerchuk. Gary V. is like a god in our industry. Everyone loves him, everyone knows of him, and he’s certainly been creeping his way into the mainstream. You’ve probably seen his videos on Facebook, shared through various pages and that sort of thing.
Now, “Jab, Jab, Right Hook” is just one of his books. It’s his second latest book. I highly recommend it. It talks about relevant storytelling, how to cut through the noise, how to tell your brand’s story, and how to do it well through content marketing. That’s a very short synopsis of the book. Probably not long enough, and it doesn’t do it justice. Go out and read it yourself, and you’ll get an incredible amount of value from it.
Resource #3
Now, the third resource that I’m going to give you is SEO and ‘getting traffic to your website’ related. Traffic, we all know, is extremely important; but targeted traffic is even more important. Targeted traffic that creates profit, creates revenue, creates business and creates leads. It is literally the heartbeat and the life force behind your digital marketing, so you’ve really got to always focus on getting good traffic.
Now, it’s not going to get you to number one, necessarily. For high-ranking terms, you’ll need to use an agency. If you’re starting out, or you want to know more about how the process of generating traffic for websites works, then you need to look at Neil Patel. Now, Neil Patel has a lot of videos on YouTube. He has a website, and he has an extremely good value-adding set of emails that you should subscribe to.
We’ll put all the links in the footer of the video, but definitely check these resources out. To recap … Number one, we’re going to go to Number two, we’re going to go “Jab, Jab, Right Hook” by Gary Vaynerchuk. Number three, we’re going Neil Patel, who is the god of SEO.
Thanks guys. The whole purpose of these videos is to add value to you. If you have any specific questions, or you want to know more about anything, please, please comment below or hit us up through the links; and we’ll get some information out to you. Joe Fox, Studio Culture.”